Cichlid tank

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 28, 2013
Just thought I would share a few pics of the tank what to know what people think of it
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80 gallon once I rent a house out I want a 300 gallon
Do you already know what cichlids you're going to stock? My cichlid tank is cycling right now. In the meantime I've been trying to decide what I want to stock and it's hard to pick.
I have two tiger oscars cichlids one is 5 inches other is three two Africans each 3 inches two plecos one four inches and other one 10 inches thinking of getting two green terrors or convicts if I get a 300 galling would have a wide verity of cichlids
It is very hard to pick them and also helps to do some research as some cichlids don't get along with others
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