Cichlids not looking the same

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 4, 2011
Hmm... I'm actually not sure how long we've had them I'd guess three+ years? They're BPs one of them is rather large and completely turned an orange-creme color. The other one is about half the size (maybe three or so inches); s/he hasn't grown much since we got them, but his orange color is starting to come out. We have them in a 40 gallon tanks and they've been pretty happy with it. Lately the small guy has been acting strange. He hides from me now, and when I find him he's not swimming upright, but more of at a slant. The water hasn't been cleaned in quite some time so I decided to clean at the whole tank (and boy does it look nice now :) ) he's still acting weird. Some days he's fine and others I catch him almost laying on his side. He still eats regularly, but he doesn't come out when I come to the tank so much anymore. They're actually my mom's fish, and I told her to go get some more cause the tank looks awkward with only two fish in it. We were gonna go get some more BPs or convicts but sadly the other BPs were dark orange colors (mom didn't like their color) and the convicts were too small. I feel like they're feel lonely. Our BPs ALWAYS stay next to each other! I've assumed they're the same sex since they haven't had babies. Now as for the big guy, he had this tiny grey mark on his right side-and I'm might be wrong but it looks like it's getting bigger. All this happened before I cleaned the tank out. This grey spot looks like its part of his color so I'm not sure if I should be alarmed or not.
Update: the small guy is doing good now. I guess he's learned to swim on his sides? He constantly swims on his side to go through the new rock I put in the tank :) his color is coming in fast and he comes to see me every time I come to the tank now :)
Hate to sound stupid but I'm new to the site and lingo. What's a bp?
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