Hello all, I am hoping you guys can give me some good advice. I have a 55 gallon tank with an albino Oscar, who is probably seven or eight years old, a striped Cichlid, two catfish, and a bumblebee Cichlid. They have lived in harmony for a very long time. I guess I actually have two questions. One is: after my pleco died a while back, I tried to introduce new ones into the tank to no avail. That is why I have gone with the catfish, but they do not clean nearly as well. So I would love suggestions. The second and more important question has to do with my bumblebee. Henry is swimming upside down and looks as seen in the picture. Nothing in the tank is off, and I think it might be swimbladder, but he looks very sick. I know he needs to go without eating for a few days if it is swimbladder, but I don’t know how to do that with the other fish. This is the only aquarium I have and I don’t want to put him in a bowl. I would love any suggestions you have. Thanks in advance.