Cleaner shrimp gone

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 22, 2015
So I purchased a cleaner shrimp for my 75g reef tank. He was very healthy and swimming around for about a week before he magically disappeared without a sign. It's been 2 weeks since my shrimp combusted. Any ideas?
Gone that long, most likely dead.
You said it was swimming around? That isn't very typical behavior as they will find an overhang to hang out in as a cleaning station. Did you see anything bothering it?

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What fish do you have in the tank? Sounds like he became someone's snack. Most wrasses and triggers will eat them particularly if they aren't hunkered down in the rocks for most of the day.

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I only see my fire shrimp when he comes out most of the time he hides with in the rocks ,
I'd say I'm lucky if I see him once a week ,
check your tank late at night he might just be hiding
The red Fire cleaner shrimp are notorious for hiding, but the usual red striped cleaner shrimps are not timid at all and are usually out in plain site.
I agree with Sniper, if it was always swimming around, something wasn't right.

How often do you feed the tank?
The vast majority of fish instinctively respect cleaner shrimp and I have seen them clean groupers, eels, etc. without incident, even my sixline wrasse has availed himself of the cleaning service as has the longnose hawk.
Triggers and puffers will show no such respect, hawks and wrasses will if they are well fed, otherwise.....

if I skip feeding for a day or two, my longnose hawk starts looking at the shrimp and licking his lips.
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