cleaning algea from tanks ....

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 26, 2003
I have a 30-gal & 40-gal tank that I would like to clean algea from this summer. This is 'green stuff' that I can not get off the glass now.

The 30-gal has a male & female(non mating) convict chiclid & has small gravel. The other tank has a male convict & a blue(vertical stripe) chiclid with play sand. The fish will go into a 90-gal as temporary housing.

My intention is to use regular bleach to clean these 2 tanks. My question is how long after doing this & refilling should the tanks run before the clorine has disappeared before the fish can go back into that tank
If you really intend on cleaning with bleach, I would rinse with water over and over again afterwards. Use a small dose of bleach in water to start with. I don't know the correct amounts though.

You should keep the filters (or filter media) of those two tanks running on the 90 gal. That way you can restart the other tanks immediatly with your seeded filters. I would first check on water parameters for a couple of days before adding any fish to the tank when you restart.

Thank you --- I hadn't given a thought on the filter yet--I'm just irritated with these 2 tanks
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