Aquarium Advice Apprentice
60 gallon SA Cichlid tank. 4wpg, 2 Emporer 280's, 3 Convicts, 4 Firmouths, 2 Severums, planted, 100 lbs of Flourite. Has been cloudy for over 2 weeks. Several water changes, last one Saturday (50%). Just tested my water - Ammonia 0ppm, Nitrites 0ppm, Nitrates 5ppm, 80 deg, PH @ 6.8. Removed both filters, cleaned everything but biowheels, vacuumed top layer of gravel, and reluctantly added clarifier on Saturday. Still no change at all. I have another tank that I changed the water in also and its crystal clear, so its not my tap water. This tank has been up and running since JULY!! Never had a problem. Could it be digging fish stirring up the substrate or is something fouling my water?? The fish are healthy and the Cons are spawning. Please help.