Cloudy water

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 24, 2012
Manchester, England
All of a sudden, literally overnight, I awoke this morning to find my water is cloudy? Parameters are fine, bit of algae that needs cleaning with the PWC due today, but the water doesn't usually cloud... Only other thing changed was the addition of some sweet potato last night, but again, doesn't usually cloud the water...

Any ideas?
How long has the tank been running for. Check your filtration and make sure everything is in order. Has their been more light exposure recently?
Been running in its current state for 6 months, but altogether over a year, filtration is fine as proved by water parameters being fine, there may have been a little extra light lately, but the water isn't green, it's just cloudy...x
I noticed I have lost a fish, no obvious reason, was the alpha male of the tank, the bright blue one, damasoni, no signs of attack. Ammonia and nitrite are 0. All other fish seem fine. Ph seems to have dropped, presumably due to the nitrification process, as I usually change the water every 2nd day, but this time I've left it for 6 days because I was ill after chemotherapy. Ph is usually 8, but on testing today it's around 7.2, it's unlikely it changed rapidly because this would have surely killed other fish?x
If you have lost a fish then at least part of it may be decaying in the tank, spiking your nitrates, and throwing your pther parameters out of balance. Time for a generous PWC, rearrange your decor to look for the remains.
That's what I mean, the fish was whole, no signs of attack, just dead... And my parameters haven't spiked or been thrown out of balance...
emmamc91 said:
That's what I mean, the fish was whole, no signs of attack, just dead... And my parameters haven't spiked or been thrown out of balance...

What all fish do you have? How big are they? Could be aggression from one sometimes there is no visual signs of attacks. Just one that chases another can stress it to death.
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