cloudy water

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 5, 2004
In the last 4 days the water in my 10Gal tank has become cloudy where I cant see from one end to the other. I did a waterchange yesterday(40%) and today its back to the same. Any Ideas as to why this is going on?

what are your test results??? Did you put any tap conditioner? A good vacuum might help clear it out and some wardley complete conditioner.
How much are you feeding?
Is the cloudyness like a grey cloudy, or a green cloudy?
Also, how long has your tank been set up? I see your ammonia, trites at 0. Is this a new tank, or an already cycled tank?
Sounds like (obviously) an algae bloom. Decrease your lights-on time, feeding, and increase water changes.
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