clownfish disease

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 5, 2005
North Central Kentucky
One of my O. clowns is showing signs this morning. What should I do?
He's lethargic on the bottom of the tank in a cove, almost 'panting', and didn't eat today. The other clown and all other fish are quite normal and happy.
water parameters are fine.
What is your temp/pH? Have they changed recently, like a PWC? Are you seeing any ammonia or nitrItes? If not, it could possibly be a bacterial infection.
ph. is 8.2
temp. is 77 (it was 80 a little over a week ago, and has gradually come down with the mild temperatures outside)
sal. is at 1.026
everything else (nitrates, nitrites, read zero)
PWC was done last week. I do them every other week, and just top off what has evaporated in the week in between.
The lack of slime is the only symptom (from what I've read) that he doesn't show.
He was fine last night, this just started this morning. Everyone else in the tank is fine and happy. No changes other than gradual temp drop and reg. pwc.
Should I run to lfs for vitamins?
I used to be a vet tech., but for horses and dogs. NOT fish.
Hmmm, that salinity is a little bit high for the fish, not too sure about the corals. A higher salinity is somewhat tough on fish and their breathing/osmosis (not 100% sure of the correct term).
Should I run to lfs for vitamins?
See if they have garlic, zoe and or selcon (there are others, but those are the ones I use).
If your water is in good condition and you can't see anything wrong, I am a little stumped, other than in internal infection or parasite. Hopefully someone else may have had a similar experience and can help.....
That is the same salinity I keep my reef at, I don't think that is the problem. ;)
Nothing in your fish list jumps out at me but I have to ask, have you noticed any aggression towards the clown from the other fish? Does she come out to eat? It's possible there is nothing wrong and this is just the spot your clown has chosen to hang out. Sometimes rather than use a coral or anemone, they will hover in caves, around equipment, etc.
Also, you say there is another clown, are they a mated pair? If you happen to have two females, there may be a dominance issue going on. Is the other clown nearby? Did you introduce the clowns at the same time? Just some thoughts.
I would do another PWC as a safeguard. Make sure of pristine water conditions and check out what Fluff said.
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