CO2 injection system recommendation

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 20, 2003
I'm gonna make the big step and start introducing CO2 injection into my tank. Does anyone have a suggestion for a beginner? Something cheap and safe? Maybe with a level indicator?

I've seen those bubble types that require sugar or something like that, but they are only for 20 gallon tanks. Is it safe to use more than one for my 65 gallon tank? :wink:
You can use DIY for a 65 gallon tank but it's going to be a royal PITA. Pressurized is the way to go. You will need a cylinder, which normally can be found cheapest at a fire extinguisher shop, a regulator, bubble counter, needle valve, and some way to dissolve the CO2 into the water. If you want to automate the process you will also need a solenoid and a pH monitor.I like the all in one unit that Robert sells over at It has the regulator, needle valve, solenoid and bubble counter in one unit. He also has a couple of different reactors. Are you running a cannister filter? If you you can plumb most reactors into the return hose and do just fine.
I'm not sure what you mean by level indicator. If you mean something that will show you how much CO2 you have in the water then the best thing is a pH monitor. If you know your kH and your pH you can find your CO2 levels. And a pH monitor will hook to the solenoid on the system I mentioned in the above post and automate your whole process.
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