CO2 Tanks

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Fish Breath

Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 31, 2004
Can I use a CO2 tank used for fountain drinks Like Coke or Pepsi Machines do they have the same thread hook up as for the tanks you get from the welding supply place and what type of regulators do I need to use ?Can I use the regulator that are used for the coke or pepsi machine? If so what else do I need to make a CO2 system and where would I be able to get the rest As I do have a line on the coke CO2 tank and regulator ? any help would be greatly aprecciated
The cylinders are all the same. The regulator may or may not work. Some of the soda regulators are very high pressure. A beer regulator works just fine as that's what I use. But be careful as on some regulators there is no easy way to attach a needle valve.

The bare minimum needed for a CO2 system is:

Needle valve
Bubble Counter

And of course tubing and various adapters and fittings. Note that it's very easy to build your own reactor and bubble counter.
How would I know if the soda regulator would work or not?....How would I build my own reactor......
How would I build my own bubble counter.....
any suggestions as to what needle valve to get and where to get it .What the costs are...
One last question can i run more than 1 tank off the same system or do i have to get a whole new set up for the other tanks
See my FAQ for a picture of both my DIY reactor and bubble counter. If you can get the soda regulator down to a working pressure of around 10-20 psi and you can remove the current output fitting it will work. The needle valve I use is a Clippard MNV-4K. They run around $10. You will also need an adapter to take the regulators output port to the 10-32 threads that the Clippard uses. Note you can't find this adapter at the local Lowe's or Home Depot. You pretty much have to get it from the same place you get the needle valve.

If you want to run more than one tank off of a cylinder then you need a manifold. I use simple Fabco bar stock manifolds. I then put the needle valve into the manifold. Works quite well and very inexpensive. I can get a 8 port manifold for around $5.
Where will I find your FAQ is there a link I need or is it in this forum somewhere
thanks again
How can a planted tank FAQ have adult material? What, you have pictures of two plants doing the hoochie coochie? :lol:
Take a look Robert. Some people found the FAQ very offensive.
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