Aquarium Advice Addict
Co2 fluctuation has resulted in a mass increase of BBA on a few leaves of my plants but mainly on a bare patch of the sand substrate. I have scooped up a fair amount and will probably spend the better half of Friday night manually removing what I can.
I wanted to ask those who have used either the Hydrogen Peroxide method or Excel to treat the rest. I have a couple of really nice crypts I'd hate to lose, so I'm assuming that'll have to be removed and treated in H2O2 or 1:20 bleach solution.
I see 2 ways to use H2O2 ot beat algae. Dipping the plants or treating the entire tank (@ 1 drop per gallon). I'm a little concerned about treating the entire tank as I read an article of someone who did that and fish loss occured.
So I'm thinking I might remove the crypts, dip them in H2O2 and treat the tank using Excel. With Excel, I see varying differences in the suggested dose.
If you've used any of the above methods, I'd like to hear your experience.
I wanted to ask those who have used either the Hydrogen Peroxide method or Excel to treat the rest. I have a couple of really nice crypts I'd hate to lose, so I'm assuming that'll have to be removed and treated in H2O2 or 1:20 bleach solution.
I see 2 ways to use H2O2 ot beat algae. Dipping the plants or treating the entire tank (@ 1 drop per gallon). I'm a little concerned about treating the entire tank as I read an article of someone who did that and fish loss occured.
So I'm thinking I might remove the crypts, dip them in H2O2 and treat the tank using Excel. With Excel, I see varying differences in the suggested dose.
If you've used any of the above methods, I'd like to hear your experience.