Company for a betta

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 23, 2004
British Columbia, Canada
I'm going to put a male betta in my cycled 10g. It has an AquaClear Mini, heater (78F), silk plants, and a few ornaments. No light for now because all that it has is an incandescent bulb, which heats up the water too much. I'll eventually get a flourescent strip. I'm trying to decide what to put in with him. I know I'm limited by tank size and compatibility. My ideas were possibly cories, neon tetras, and maybe a couple aquatic frogs (without claws). Any suggestions or ideas? :)
Good question....I just added a male Betta in my ten gallon tank with 8 Neon Tetras and a small pleco. So far the Betta hasnt bothered any of the fish, but he does like to try and share the same cave as my pleco, which usually gives in and lets the Betta take it for a short while. Hope it goes well.
I can't give anything specific as I don't own bettas, but I do know that you need to make sure and not have anything with flashy or long flowing fins. This can upset mr betta. :)

Each betta has its own personality, some may get along with others, and some may need to be kept by themselves. You can probably find a bunch of threads that discuss betta compatibility. According to our labrynth fish expert, if you add him first, he may decide the whole tank is his territory and may not like newcomers. So I guess have a means to separate him jic.
Whatever you decide to put in, make sure you stay away from the very active fish. Especially the fin nippers such as tiger barbs. Corys would be would otos. I would think any of the smaller tetras would do well. You may want to get one of the Lee containers for the betta and keep him in it until he gets used to the other fish. I've never had trouble with a bad tempered betta, but I'm sure some of them are.
Yes, DO NOT DO TIGER BARBS! I made that mistake :( and they killed my betta. However w/ my other betta I've had danios, rasborras, cory cats, plecos, tetras. Pretty much anything w/o flowing fins and you'll be fine. I've had active fish in there, but nothing which would pose a threat to my betta (minus the barbs, which I sold back to the petstore the next day) My bettas are all fairly calm, and I've never caught them going after any of the other fish I have them in with.
I have a betta in a 10gal with a couple of white cloud tetras and a small pleco. He doesn't bother them at all.....but he does act like he owns the tank and the other fish stay out of his way! :) I agree that you should stay away from fish with flashy tails; this will probably just upset betta and make him more aggressive. I had to move a fish with a longish fin because betta would chase it around the tank. As soon as I did that he calmed right down and everyone was happy again! :D
Many species of tetras are iffy when it comes to bettas. It's really a case by case basis. I would however, stay away from neons. Bettas fins are too tempting for those little guys.
i've always had a betta with neons, and never had a problem. i do seem to have been really lucky with my bettas all along, though. maybe it has to do with the size of the tank.
Wow, thanks everyone! :D I just got my new betta today, a very flashy red male with light blue wash in his fins. I'll keep him alone for a while, then I will add a couple cories, maybe. I need some cories in my 20g, so if they don't work out in my betta tank, I can move them pronto. Same as neons. I have them already in my 20g, so I can try them, and move them back ito the 20g if needed. Like everyone said, it depends on the temperament of my betta. Whatever I do, I'll make sure I have a backup plan if it doesn't work out. I may just stick with cories, to be safe.
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