Compatibility in New Tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 7, 2022
Hi there,

I recently got a new saltwater 40g Breeder. This tank is all cycled and has lots of live rock and coral. I was wondering what would be A. Reef compatible and B. Compatible with each other. I have attached a list of what I was thinking of. Please let me know what you think!

1. 2 percula clownfish
2. Purple Long Tentacle Anemone
3. Mandarinfish
4. Royal Gramma
5. Carpenter’s Flasher Wrasse
6. Tile Sea Star
7. 4 Peppermint Shrimp

Also I know it seems like a heavy bio load but I have a 20 gallon sump for this.

I wouldn’t keep any wrasses with a mandarin, they are both constantly hunting for food and the wrasse will easily out compete the mandarin for pods. You’ll also need to regularly supplement pods to the tank for a mandarin too. I would also choose a cleaner shrimp or 2 over the peppermints but that’s more personal opinion I suppose. Cleaners are more out going and less likely to hide.
Hi there,

I recently got a new saltwater 40g Breeder. This tank is all cycled and has lots of live rock and coral. I was wondering what would be A. Reef compatible and B. Compatible with each other. I have attached a list of what I was thinking of. Please let me know what you think!

1. 2 percula clownfish

2. Purple Long Tentacle Anemone

3. Mandarinfish

4. Royal Gramma

5. Carpenter’s Flasher Wrasse

6. Tile Sea Star

7. 4 Peppermint Shrimp

Also I know it seems like a heavy bio load but I have a 20 gallon sump for this.


All should be reef safe. In that size tank, you may run into aggression issues with the clowns. The Gramma most definitely will turn at some point and harass other fish. The mandarin needs an abundance and constant replenishment of pods if your tank isn’t doing that on its own. I personally have seen peppermint shrimp tear apart my hammer coral and then worked it’s way to my frogspawn, hence ending the debate of whether or not they are reef safe in my experiences.

1. 2 percula clownfish - no issue
2. Purple Long Tentacle Anemone - no issue as long as tank is stable and PAR is sufficient

3. Mandarinfish - picky eaters

4. Royal Gramma - jerks

5. Carpenter’s Flasher Wrasse - like to jump, make sure to have a lid

6. Tile Sea Star - ?

7. 4 Peppermint Shrimp - never adding one of these again
1. 2 Perculas- fine

2. Long tentacle nem- replace with bubble tip. Easier to keep and can naturally split.

3. Mandarin- wait a year or get one on frozen. Unless you’re replenishing pods every other week it will probably starve.

4. Gramma - more bark than bite from my experience, should be fine. I

5. Flasher wrasse - needs a lid. Should be fine.

6. Fromia Starfish - definitely no. Very little is understood of these animals or their feeding habits. Will rot away in your tank like 99% of the rest of them and linckias.

7. Peppermints - get a skunk or fire shrimp pair instead, peppermints are unpredictable and can become terrors.
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