Connected fish 'bowls'

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 8, 2013
Saw this image today whilst trawling the Internet and I like the concept although it would need a place for 360' viewing. And I can only imagine cleaning the pipes to be an absolute nightmare but still I thought it was interesting and deserved sharing. I think it's probably about 75- 100gal purely guess work going off the betta swimming through the pipe. Haha.

Wow.... You can save $1000 if you don't get the stand haha but it doesn't even tell you what the capacity is...

lol yeah I'm guessing that each orb is 5 gallons and the tunnels are 1-2 gallons. there is extra tunnels that you cant see in the first picture.
That looks horrendous to clean! Could you imagine if you got algae all in those spaces? *shudders*
I truthfully doubt the capacity is big at all. I am guessing the individual balls are more like 2.5g a piece. Perhaps they are larger though. Hard to tell since I am sure the fish have mostly been photoshopped in.
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Cool table and video, thanks for sharing. Neat filter and media, too. The movement would make a nice visual in a clear tank...
There was a tank journal thread on here a while back in which they actually connected a number of larger tanks into a tiered system. It was pretty cool, but as I recall it didn't end up working quite the way they were hoping.
There was a tank journal thread on here a while back in which they actually connected a number of larger tanks into a tiered system. It was pretty cool, but as I recall it didn't end up working quite the way they were hoping.

What happened? You've made me curious now :p
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