Constipated platy fry?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 27, 2005
South Louisiana, USA
hello. I have four 5 week old platy fry in a 2.5 gallon tank. You know how they are orange and kind of see through, like you can sort of see their organs?

Well this morning one of them has a tummy that looks greyish black inside. Is he just constipated or does he have an illness? His tummy looks a little swollen, like he just ate alot, but the interior is grey. The other four look fine. Oh, and he did eat breakfast, so this does not seem to be affecting his appetite.

If it is an illness, will it spread to the other fry? Thanks.
littletank :?:
Sorry your post has gone unanswered - It is hard to say if there is a problem, and hopefully by now you know one way or the other. Often with fry you can indeed see inside and food will be visible, but if it is looking more swollen than just comfortably full then it might be a problem, especially if it looks much different than the other fry.

Can you give me an update?
Oh, thanks for your reply. I think that he had just eaten alot. I forgot that i had given them some food for herbavores. It's little dark green pellets. I think that may have been what made his tummy so dark looking inside. He's fine now... just a bit of a piggy fish!
littletank :jump:
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