Coral Advice?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 27, 2010
I have a coral (picture attached) that seems to not be very healthy...about 80%of the time its bent levels all seem to be optimal (Magnesium 1345, Calcium 425, Strontium 8, Molybdemun 0.0150, Iron 0.050, Iodine .5 mg/Liter, phosphate 0.01 ppm max, ph 8.2, S.G. 1.024) Im fairly sure its getting enough food (Kent plankton)...Ive done regular water changes, dept the salinity steady (1.024)...not sure whats going wrong only guess is that I need to change the lights (but it hasnt even been 6 months)...ansy advise would be great...


  • sick coral.jpg
    sick coral.jpg
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Looks like a leather coral.

How long has it been in the tank?

How much lighting do you have?

Has it always been like this? leather corals periodically go through a phase where they'll form a mucas layer on them kind of like they're shedding their skin.
I aquired the tank established about a yr ago...This coral was allready established in the tank...I know the previous owner had the tank established for 2 or 3 years before I got it...I would guess that this coral was in the tank for much of this time...up untill about a two month or so ago the coral in question had never bent over...since then it spends more and more of its time that way...I have a Corallife light fixture...It has 4 flaurecent bulbs...two are acti nic and two are daylight...they are on timers - the actinic I have set for a few hours in morn and at night (like sunrise and sunset)...and the daylight are for the time between (in the day) night it has about 4 blue leds that simulate the moonlight...the lights are about as old as I have had the tank (I was hopeing they wernt the problem or expired yet)...I was entertaining the idea of going withougt the glass cannopy that I have (that seems to have salt on it and be opaqe most of the time)...further thoughts?
xxxI have a Corallife light fixture...It has 4 flaurecent bulbs...two are acti nic and two are daylight...they are on timers - the actinic I have set for a few hours in morn and at night (like sunrise and sunset)...and the daylight are for the time between (in the day)...

While I'm not sure if this has anything to do with your problem, and maybe I'm just misunderstanding what you wrote, but...

During the daytime hours, you should have all 4 of those bulbs on. You can turn on the actinics in the morning/evening to simulate sunrise and sunset, but leave them on while your daylight bulbs are on too. From how I read what you wrote, it sounds like when your daylight bulbs turn on, you turn off your actinics. Those actinics are giving your corals a lot of light that they need.

Regarding changing out PC bulbs (I'm assuming it's a Coralife PC fixture), I usually change mine out every 6 months. I think the recommendation is every 6-8 months, but will depend on how long you run them each day.
i think those bulbs are like 40 bucks a piece aren't they? if you have to change all 4 of them i would suggest putting that money towards a better fixture.
.....and yes, removing the glass covered with salt creep will help a lot.
sorry I was a bit unclear what I wrote...the actinics are on during the day as I think Ill change out the bulbs ($$$ yikes)...what fixture do you all reccomend (christmas list he he)?...
Yeah the 96W PC bulbs for the 6' Coralife fixture run about $35/ea on a good day and you need 4 of them. The 65W ones for the 4' fixtures go for about $20 ea, also on a good day.

So if you have the 6' fixture, you spend $160 on bulbs every 6 months. In a 6' 6 bulb T5HO fixture you would replace the bulbs every 12 months at cost of roughly $24-$36 but much better bulb selection so you get better color rendering and the bulbs are more efficient.

Nova Extreme is a good one. Of you can build your own into a canopy with waterproof end caps and a ballast.
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