coral is having a baby

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SW 20 & Over Club
Mar 15, 2004
Northeast PA
When I got this hydnophora it wasn't looking to good, but 2 months later it's doing great and it looks like it having a baby.


I didn't even see the blenny in view when I took that pic. I guess he likes his pic taken.

Here's a closer and blurrier view of the young bud.


I think I may have to move it tho. It's on a cliff and about 6" below it is an always hungry sebae. I don't know what the sebae would do if it fell into it, but I would rather not find out.
LOL...I've taken a ton of pictures of reef tanks and livestock and those blennies are almost ALWAYS in view of the lens. They could just be 'standing' their ground at this strange box thing moving along the tank...LOL. That is a strange looking 'bud', but I don't know enough about that kind of coral to say if it is growing a baby or growing a bone. Most corals I've seen (at least in soft coral) is the babies are sprouted from the foot of the coral; not the top. However, new bone growth for expansion does happen along the tops of SPS.

BTW...nice piece!! Oh...and when two animals of different coral and anemone species come into contact, it's absolute chemical warfare. Injury is likely to occur to both if they were to get tangled together. Try to keep the coral in the same general vacinity and secured more to the rocks. It's obviously very happy right where it's at.
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