Corwin the Betta sick again

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No, there's no strength or percentage indicated.

So now I've got my gravel, filter, driftwood and plants in a bucket with old tank water and the fluorescent light over it. I added two drops of ammonia today; I will repeat on Monday and test.

Corwin is happily swimming in the now empty main tank (heated) dosed with jungle fungus eliminator for the finrot. I haven't been able to find any of the anti-parasite food locally yet. If I can't find the jungle medicated food, what is a good alternative? I did feed him some of a pea today which he gobbled up until his belly looked very round indeed. I am monitoring his waste, which is why I removed the gravel.
Removing the gravel - now that must have been a job! But you'll be able to see his waste, which is a very good idea now!

If you can't find the Jungle Anti-Parasite food (most chain lfs carry Jungle) you could try this but I don't know that it's any easier to find locally:


I put a tablespoon or so of tank water in a cup, added the Metronidazole, added some freeze-dried bloodworms, and let them soak up the medicine for a few minutes before feeding. I did this a few years ago to some of my previous bettas. I had good results with this product. You can also add this product to the water but I wouldn't add both Fungus Eliminator and Metronidazole to the water at the same time.

If you fed the pea today, don't feed Corwin anything tomorrow. That will give the pea a chance to "clean him out" a bit.
Actually taking out the gravel wasn't that bad...I just used a fish net.

I haven't seen any of the white waste today. He's just swimming around in yellow medicine water, fin half gone, empty tank, like he couldn't care less :) He even made a bubble nest! I'll just keep an eye out and if I see anything amiss, I'll try the med you mentioned.

I wasn't expecting to have trouble finding the anti-parasite food, but all the local and chain stores I called didn't have it. And there was no way I was going to drive an hour away with gas prices so high unless it was really necessary.

Anyway, here's a link to a little video I made of him in his current condition :)

CorwininQT.flv - Video - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Nice video! He is very active and happy! Keep an eye out like you mentioned - white waste is a sign of parasites but since it wasn't stringy and he is active, maybe that's not the problem. See if the peas help and feed them once a week as a preventative.
Sorry I haven't been checking in for the last couple of days. Was babysitting all weekend. I think you have made the right move. He certainly does seem like one very happy fishy.:)
Thanks! yes he is a trooper :) I feel very lucky to have picked out a betta with such a great personality and hardiness. Well his tank is back to normal with gravel, wood and plants again after two treatments for the finrot. Fin growth is looking great and he's as energetic as usual :)
sigh...let's not celebrate too soon :( I must have the most fin rot prone betta ever.

So after a full 8 days of finrot treatment, he was looking great. But just a few hours after I restored his tank to normal today (put gravel, plants, wood, filter back), and what do you know, but his tail and all that lovely new growth is coming apart again. I tested the water and all parameters are good. What gives? Stress from changing his environment? Something bad on the wood/plants?

I don't want to go through all that again of removing wood, plants, filter, etc. Are there any alternative treatments that won't kill off the good bacteria? Could he fight it off himself without meds?

Mind you, he is still as active as ever and looks healthy otherwise.
Yes he can fight it off with extra water changes. Have you tried Maracyn II at all? I've never had it kill off any beneficial bacteria.
I haven't tried Maracyn II. I thought it was a broad spectrum anti-biotic that would kill good bacteria. But I'm certainly willing to try it if you say it works!
Well as I've said it's never been a problem for me. Keep in mind though, most of my tanks have been running for 2+ years. The manufacturer claims also that it will not harm beneficial bacteria.
Thanks Anne. I got the Maracyn II today. I also got a another thermometer so I can make sure when doing pwcs that the new water is the same temp as the tank. This will hopefully prevent any stress to Corwin and another breakout of finrot.
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