Cory's missing Barbels and even mouth?!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 27, 2011
Since I got my julli corys I noticed after 4 weeks their barbels had gone. Now 1 seems to be missing its mouth!! Looks terrible although he's still eating and swimming about just fine. No red blotches or signs of any white fungus.

The 4 corys were babies and I hoped that maybe barbels would grow back after some time getting used to the sand (coming from store tank with nothing)
I purposely bought JBL black Sandibar sand for my tank in preparation for getting bottom dwellers and thought it was easier to clean. Mordon aquatics advised that this brand was ideal for them. Typically after I got it seems to be contradictory info out there and its too rough. To me I can't tell if its rough or feels like sand!! It's all gritty!
I'm also finding it hard to keep clean, the debris seems to stick to the sand and no matter how hard I try stirring it up and vacuuming it never looks clean and within 2 days covered in poo again!

I want my corys to be in perfect shape and certainly with mouths! Do I change the sand to Kids play sand or will I find the same issue? Is it the sand or the Debris? Can the barbels & mouth heal?

My profile details are out of date here's the info:
120l juwel lido (set up for approx 1 year)
Temp 25c
Bogwood and Various live plants (don't know the names?!)
Nitrite 0
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 20-30ppm
PH 7.5
Religious weekly water changes 25% using prime and recently mixing in a bit of RO gradually to try keeping PH down for healthy plants.

3 Sail fin mollie 1 male and 2 female
1 black mollie female
4 white skirt tetra
3 red neon
4 harlequin rasbora
Unknown number of assassin snails
They can loose them from a few things such as water quality and like you said the sand. It might be too rough for the but I can't say since I've never used it before. I used the all purpose sand from the lumber area in my hardware store and my cory (will eventually be three and hopefully more after) is as happy as can be. The only difference I can really see is the sand and my nitrates are much lower. I can't say with the GH or KH as I don't have kits for those yet. I hope someone can shed some light here and I wish them the best!
Thanks for the reply.

My nitrates seem impossible to get below 20-30ppm. The tap is the same and Prime water conditioner does state it detoxifies nitrate (if that can be believed). All other fish seem fine and I'm reluctant to add more chemicals to the tank. Any ideas how to get this lower?

For now I have placed some large smooth aquarium pebbles around the bottom hoping the corys chill out on them. Tomorrow I will get different sand and work out a way to replace without draining down and the stress of catching fish!
Those nitrates aren't bad though and shouldn't be having an effect like that. I think the culprit is probably the sand. Plants are the best natural way to lower it. Anacharis will help more than most others you'll find and it's generally inexpensive and grows very fast. I have no idea on the sand. I'd say take them out to avoid burying them though. That'd probably be more stressful than being moved a bit.
Just looked up that plant you mention and I have one stem of that left in my tank. Bought a large bunch about 6 months ago but despite using a strip of plant weight it kept coming loose. Has no roots so I don't know how to keep it grounded. One piece I have is just poking in a hole in the bogwood. A spate of hair algae covered the rest and it went all brown so I binned it. Maybe ill try again however if its nitrate beneficial.

Anyone got any ideas on where to buy pool filter sand or round Cory friendly sand in London?!
If it's thriving then it will eventually grow roots. Obviously if yours dying off then something isn't right with your tank. Again could be water or lighting or lack of nutrients or even a bad bunch of cuttings. Mine has more than quadrupled in in size in ~4-5 weeks I think (it's four separate bunches now, I keep cutting it in half).

As for the sand, they sometimes have that at Walmart/target but, forgive me, I don't know if they even have those there (I'm thinking not?) but if there's some comparable place maybe try there? There's a few pool supply stores around here that I know have it so its possible there would be some there I guess. I couldn't even begin to guess a name though, sorry. Some hardware stores will carry it but I don't think it's common, at least not here. I hope that someone who lives around there can fill you in.

Yeh I was definitely having tank issues before with hair algae which choked the plants, it got attached to 95% of my plants so i binned them and got some interpet anti hair algae plants with some root tabs and seachem excel and flourish, and hoping ill have better success this time. The anarcharis might have a better chance now.

Just for info we don't have Walmart or Target here in the UK which is a shame, ASDA here is owned by Walmart but it's mainly groceries. We don't have much need for pools either as its always cold and raining!! Thinking maybe kids play sand (controversial also it seems with cat deterrent and compacting) or maybe something like building sand from B&Q (DIY and builders store)...
The building sand would probably be fine but I doubt it's going to be larger size really but you could always check it out just in case.

Wow, so there's nothing like a target there? Something that has some of everything?
We now have Costco but you have to be a member or something and I don't think they are as big as the stores in the US. Only a small island !!
Just back from the aquatic centre and they don't think the sand is the problem, they think its a bacteria infection and somehow talked me into buying Denitrol bacteria to get the nitrates lower. I'll do another water change tonight and see if I can suck up as much grime as possible (not that I haven't been doing this already!) ..strange that the cory tanks there have yellow round larger grain sand than the black sand they sold to me..hmm.
Well I hope it helps. They probably just throw whatever they have the most of in there... I can't say though. Maybe you just got someone who wasn't knowledgeable on the subject. Keep us posted though
The only issue with adding large rock or gravel is the Cories' food gets down between the rocks and they can't get to it. Consider a feeding dish or plate. You can use a clear tube to drop pellets where you want them. You can use a turkey baster to target feed frozen food.

Test your tap water also. Let tap water rest 24 hours and test again. I would try larger 30% changes. Also add some Indian Almond Leaves. They will help the water a bit and may be beneficial for the Cories.

You may need to set up a hospital tank that you can medicate. It is often a infection.

Search Corydoras Barbel Erosion also for more insight.
Thanks everyone for the responses.
Quick update.. Changed over to kiln dried paving sand its so much softer and much easier to vac and cost £2.50.
Unfortunately because of my haste to change the sand I messed up the bacteria of my tank, and caused my tank to cycle, high ammonia readings.
The old sand must have held my good Bacteria. Over the last 6 months I gradually changed over my filter sponges and did not consider how this could effect the water when I changed over. In hindsight I should have done a gradual sand swap or kept the old sand contained inside the tank till the water settled.
Tank is ok now, done a lot of water changes with Prime and used API ammonia remover which has done the job, keeping a close eye still on my water readings.
Inevitably I lost one of my cories, he was the most damaged from the black sand (no barbels no lips) and unfortunately the ammonia spike was the last straw. Sad times :'( but Im pleased to say the other 3 cories are now snuffling in the sand and on close inspection I can see the hint of some barbels, hopefully they will start to recover.

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