Craigslist Insanity

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Cloudy really that tank looks filthy and in need of cleaning i would offer only 50$ for the whole thing

It's crazy what people try to get for stuff and you could buy all new cheaper than that
kwandrsn said:
That's sad

Yea it really is. It bothers me to hear people say fish only grow to fit the tank they're in too. Sadly there are many people out there that think they can just put whatever they want in any size tank.

And not to mention the bio load in that tank must be off the charts
Thets been a HUGE influx of big (over 55 gallons) and HUGE (over 220) on my local C.list lately.

Comin to Alaska now, are ya?

Ha, I know right? My only known friend who ever did the drive(south) rolled his car multiple times down an icy hill while listening to jungle music the whole way down.

(No tank would survive that)
Wow, bad luck. I was 5 years old when I came up riding in the families 96 grand am. My 5th birthday (which is in October) was in the Yukon.
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