Creeping Jenny?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 10, 2011
I have been looking for a somewhat compact bunched plant for the background of my 10 gallon aquarium (3wpg). Through my research on the internet, I discovered the Creeping Jenny (Lysimachia Nummularia 'Aurea'). It looked like a good plant, but the information I found on it wasn't very clear.

- Does it need a nutrient rich substrate?
- Does it tend to take over when it's needs are met?
- Is it easy to care for?
- Does it require high light, fertilization, etc?

Most importantly, if you've had some, what did you think of the plant (and under what conditions have you grown it)?
I have some creeping jenny, it actually grows in the wild here. Like most plants, it does better with higher lighting and ferts etc, but it doesn't seem to be very demanding. I don't notice any faster growth than anything else, if anything, it seems to be a little slower than the noted fast growers like anacharis/hornwort/etc

On the ground and in shallow water it has a beautiful carpet effect, in the aquarium it goes straight up. It can be hard to keep planted. I've kept it in low-low medium light. If you can grow stuff like swords then you won't have a problem with this one.
I have had an aquarium for 5+ years now, but I am relatively new to having a plants in the aquarium. I have never had hornwort, anacharis, or swords. So, please forgive my ignorance. :)

I'm surprised that you were able to keep it in low to low-medium light, because I've read that, on the ground, it likes full sun to part shade.

Did you have to trim it very often? I'm looking for a relatively low maintenance plant that won't take over my tank, like I've read that egeria densa, anacharis, etc. will do. Did you have to give away/sell pieces of it to keep it from overrunning your tank?

Would you recommend it as a good plant for a beginner with a small tank - and other plants (anubias, saggitarius subulata, dwarf water lily, java moss, assorted aponogeton)? I'm looking for plants for the back corners of my tank. I've decided on some java fern 'windelov' for one corner if I can find it for a decent price.

Does it attach to pieces of rock/driftwood like java moss, java fern, etc will?
I wouldn't really recommend it as a beginner plant, but it's not bad. If you want stuff that grows really slowly then stick with the rhizome plants, anubias, java ferns, bolbitis, etc. Java fern windelov is one of my favorites.

Some other great choices - ludwigia repens, ludwigia arcuata, rotala indica/rotundafolia
Thank you so much for your advice! I'll look into the plants you listed. I'll probably stay away from the creeping jenny, for now anyway. I'm hoping to be able to upgrade to a 30 gallon tank in the next year or two. Maybe I'll look into the creeping jenny again then. Thanks again for all your help!:thanks:
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