Cure for Ich in a Fish or Reef Tank saltwater

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 5, 2003
Montreal Quebec Canada
Awhile back, Stresco posted an article with reference to the success that he had with Equilibrium in fighting his ich problem.

On 3 occasions, I have used Equilibrium with no success. I followed all the instructions that Stresco mentioned such as garlic, closing off the skimmer, etc. No way.

On a recent trip to Michigan, I happened to pass a family owned pet shop who specialized in fish and saltwater. After discussing my problem with the gentleman in the store, he suggested a product which is a herbal remedy and was sure that this would help. Sure enough IT DID. It is a remedy that you use for approximately one week daily applying 5mL to every 40 litres of water. The product is made by a company by the name of Kordon, division of Novalek, Inc.; Hayward, CA 94545; Tel (510) 782-4058; e-mail; web site It is called Herbal Ich-Attac. At the time of administering the cure, I had cleaner shrimp, snails, black and white crab and hermit red crab and in no way, did this chemical affect them. They are still doing very well in my tank with no loss.

I hope this information will help more of our members so that they too can enjoy their fish and their tanks without fear of ich.

:mrgreen: aldo
So if the the products seems to be fish and mobile invert "friendly", was there any reference mention concerning coral, stars, cukes and possibley scaleless/non-boney fish from this LFS?

The description does mention "reef fish" but the reference to scaleless fish is FW. There is no mention of mobile or sessile inverts at all.

:D Hi Steve,

On the bottle was a small brochure explaining the product. I am sorry that I do not know how to forward this to you as an attachment. Also to scan, the writing is very small. I will try to answer all your questions by copying what is relevant from the brochure.

Ich-Attack is safe for use in all kinds of aquariums and ornamental ponds.
Safe for fresh, brackish and salt water.
Safe for fishes normally sensitive to medications.
Safe for scaleless fishes.
Safe for coral reef fishes.
Safe for delicate fishes, including fry.
Safe for reef aquariums.
Safe for aquatic plants.
Safe for aquatic invertebrates such as snails, crustaceans, corals and sea anemones.
Safe for amphibians and reptiles.
Safe for healthy fishes and other aquatic animals in the same water as being treated.
Ich-Attack does not stain sealants, ornaments, plastic or living plants.
Does not unduly affect the PH of the water.
Does not permanently discolour the water.
Ich-Attack does not affect beneficial nitrifying bacteria.
Remove carbon filter materials during treatment.
End of quote.

I hope that the information I have given you above will make it possible for you to understand the product.


:mrgreen: aldo
thanks aldo-book marked this page for future reference sure would be nicer than chasing the fish around and sticking them in a small tank for weeks if it is as safe as it claims...keep us posted with use!!!
Hi michel :lol:
They only have some set up in Vancouver.
When I e-mailed they said something about being able to ship from California write them if not let me know and I will give you a # in michigan

My tank family doing well .

Good Luck .
:mrgreen: aldo Bye the way HELLO fellow montrealer.
fire goby said:
did anyone here tried bathing the sick fish?

If you are refering to FW dips, then I would not suggest that. It moreso treats the symptom rather than the cause so to speak.

The best remedy for eliminating Cryptocaryon irritans is to starve it. Leaving the tank fishless for 4 weeks while treating the fish in a proper >>quarantine<< is the best and only 100% effective method when done properly. There is no "reef safe" med that can make that claim and prove it.

steve-s said:
The best remedy for eliminating Cryptocaryon irritans is to starve it. Leaving the tank fishless for 4 weeks while treating the fish in a proper >>quarantine<< is the best and only 100% effective method when done properly. There is no "reef safe" med that can make that claim and prove it.

Excellent points Steve!
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