Cute things your fish do.

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 21, 2008
South Carolina USA.
My Blood Parrot was doing the cutest thing. He has this little wood thing (like a Log cage) thing the stays in. And he would like suck up the sand inside his cage and go outside and spit it out .

Any cute things your guys do .
Hand feed :) my angels love to hand feed. My old Oscar used to love playing with ping pong balls.
And my fish go nuts over a laser pointer :)
My Pleco digs the sand from all the tank EVERY DAY into 2 mountains, and once I've flattened it and its all nice again he comes out and kinda shuffles some sand about as if to say I hadn't finished ..
My baby mollies and guppies love swimming into my hand and staying there ... So cute .. And they eat out of my hand and try to eat my hand too lol.. Can't get into the tank without them diving onto me :) which is pretty difficult when I'm trying to clean the glass ...
My fire eel swims to the top of the water then dive bombs my driftwood and as fast as he can swims through all the cracks and crevices then turns around and randomly pops his head out :)
My female lyretail platy is grumpy in the morning :p she will refuse to get out of bed; which is a little indent in the substrate where she lies on her belly. It doesn't matter if I turn the light on or not, she won't get up until she smells breakfast. Once she's eaten, she's happy and cheerful. Not until then :p
I have a crowntail betta in a 15g column with 5 albino corys, and I recently planted the tank. I also added a couple of petco "rustic towers" that have lots of cut-outs, and my betta has fallen in love with them. He swims in and out of them all day long, and he will often park with just his front half sticking out, with his tiny front fins waving away. SO CUTE, and yet fierce at the same time! He is a betta after all... :fish1:
my clown loaches tries to clean my angel fish, until the angels have had enough and swim off.
One of my clown fish will swim up to the front of the tank and wiggle swim at me if I wiggle first. It gets all excited.
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