Cyber Monday Deal - Finnex fixtures on Amazon

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 13, 2010
Just an FYI....

If you're looking for a good LED light for your planted tank, I spotted cyber Monday deals on Amazon for the 24" and 30" Finnex Ray 2's. There's also a Fugeray model being offered up for discount, too (forgot the size).

The sale operates as a lightning deal in which they'll open the discount for a short period of time or when it sells out (which ever is first). The sale starts at 3pm MST.

Good luck!
I noticed that earlier today as well. Too bad I want the Sat+ or the new Current light coming next year, other wise I would jump on that deal.
Yeah I don't blame you... I'm still using an 18" Ray 2 over the 60F. Works good for iwagumi. But, I wouldn't trade the Sat+ lights on my 60P for one because of the colorful stems. So they have their purposes.
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