Cycling a new 40 gallon...advise me please! :-)

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PK Tester

Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 4, 2004
Hey all...I was wondering how this sounds.

I got a new 40 hex tank and plan to seed it with old nasty filter cartridges that are currently in my tank. I have not cleaned them for 3 weeks. I planned to also use a very seeded sponge filter and some gravel from my tanks.

I then planned to add about 6 feeder guppies (about an inch or two each) into the tank.

Will the 6 be enough or too much or just right?


Oh yes, I'm running a fluval 404 on this, should I place the fitler cartridges inside the filter in one of the media carpetments? I will also be using 1 biowheel, should I just float it?

Any advice will be used!!

I never get replies on the getting started section...moved this here
I add a dozen or two goldfish to help the tank cycle and wait at least a good month before i add any other fish to it.
I think 6 feeder guppies will be a little low on the bioload, I would say maybe 10-12, that should produce enough ammonia to maintain the bacteria on your old filtermaterial and grow new bacteria in your cannister. You should watch your water parameters closely, but I think you'll be fine and wont see much peaking of values.
I add a dozen or two goldfish to help the tank cycle and wait at least a good month before i add any other fish to it.
Forget the feeders and what not.

Oh yes, I'm running a fluval 404 on this, should I place the fitler cartridges inside the filter in one of the media carpetments? I will also be using 1 biowheel, should I just float it?
Yes, instant cycle (this is basically what bio-spira is). Add the fish you want, or start with pure ammonia. Remember, bringing in feeder may bring in disease. Plus, what would you do with them after the tank cycles?
Menagerie said:
I add a dozen or two goldfish to help the tank cycle and wait at least a good month before i add any other fish to it.
Forget the feeders and what not.

Oh yes, I'm running a fluval 404 on this, should I place the fitler cartridges inside the filter in one of the media carpetments? I will also be using 1 biowheel, should I just float it?
Yes, instant cycle (this is basically what bio-spira is). Add the fish you want, or start with pure ammonia. Remember, bringing in feeder may bring in disease. Plus, what would you do with them after the tank cycles?

I keep feeder guppies as pets in 10 and 12 gal :) I like them and they are disease free.

They aren't exactly feeder guppies as the vast majority of them are hybrids crossed with fancy guppies.
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