Cycling question

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 14, 2020
Hi all

I’m new to the fish keeping world and have only recently bought an aquarium.
I am in the middle of the cycle period and I have a question about the ammonia spike,but I will first give an insight into my aquarium.

I went for the fluval Roma 200 and put plants in straight away,or as soon as I dechlorinated the water.
I planted myriophyllum mattogrossense and another type of myriophyllum,but I don’t remember it’s name.
I also added eleocharis acicularis and eleocharis parvula.
I’ve recently added Sagittarius subulata and attached some flame moss and taxiphyllum barbieri to the bog wood,which is rose wood.

The myriophyllums are growing at a rate and the moss is now beginning to show some growth,so in that sense things seem to be moving along fine.

I am performing a fishless cycle with plants basically and have been adding fish food every couple of days and this has been since the 28th of other words I’m on the 16th day of cycling.

I’ve been taking notes and this is how they have panned out so far.

Date Ph. Ammonia Nitrite Nitrate.

Fri 8th 6.6 0.50 0 0

Sun 10th 6.8 1.0 0.50 5.0

Tues 12th 7.0 0.50 2.0 5.0

Wed 13th 7.0 0.25 5.0 20

As you can see,the ammonia spiked at 1ppm on the Sunday,but could it have spiked on a higher number on the day either end of Sunday.i didn’t test on those days and I’m kicking myself.most of what I’ve read indicates that I should expect ammonia to peak at a higher number than totally new to fish keeping and therefore am susceptible to nagging doubt.
I did add a filter boost after the day i initially set up the tank and it turned very cloudy.

My fish keeping experience is a blank slate,any advice would be much appreciated.

Thank you very much

Hi all

I’m new to the fish keeping world and have only recently bought an aquarium.

I am in the middle of the cycle period and I have a question about the ammonia spike,but I will first give an insight into my aquarium.

I went for the fluval Roma 200 and put plants in straight away,or as soon as I dechlorinated the water.

I planted myriophyllum mattogrossense and another type of myriophyllum,but I don’t remember it’s name.

I also added eleocharis acicularis and eleocharis parvula.

I’ve recently added Sagittarius subulata and attached some flame moss and taxiphyllum barbieri to the bog wood,which is rose wood.

The myriophyllums are growing at a rate and the moss is now beginning to show some growth,so in that sense things seem to be moving along fine.

I am performing a fishless cycle with plants basically and have been adding fish food every couple of days and this has been since the 28th of other words I’m on the 16th day of cycling.

I’ve been taking notes and this is how they have panned out so far.

Date Ph. Ammonia. Nitrite. Nitrate.

Fri 8th 6.6 0.50 0 0

Sun 10th 6.8 1.0 0.50 5.0

Tues 12th 7.0 0.50 2.0 5.0

Wed 13th 7.0 0.25 5.0 20

As you can see,the ammonia spiked at 1ppm on the Sunday,but could it have spiked on a higher number on the day either end of Sunday.i didn’t test on those days and I’m kicking myself.most of what I’ve read indicates that I should expect ammonia to peak at a higher number than totally new to fish keeping and therefore am susceptible to nagging doubt.

I did add a filter boost after the day i initially set up the tank and it turned very cloudy.

My fish keeping experience is a blank slate,any advice would be much appreciated.

Thank you very much

I suspect the size of the ammonia spike is directly related to the amount of waste the bacteria has to convert.(more good, bigger spike)

The fact your ammonia is going down and you're getting nitrates shows the cycle is working and keep doing what you're doing until you get 0 ammonia & nitrite for a few days.
I suspect the size of the ammonia spike is directly related to the amount of waste the bacteria has to convert.(more good, bigger spike)

The fact your ammonia is going down and you're getting nitrates shows the cycle is working and keep doing what you're doing until you get 0 ammonia & nitrite for a few days.

Thanks for a swift reply ry4n7,at least I now know it’s not a spanner in the works.
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