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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 30, 2014
Ok. Need help as totally confused.

I set my 15 gallon up last Saturday. I put my old tanks Gravel and filter media in tights and in the tank.

My testing kit has not arrived yet but my local aquatics shop said just put 2 platys in it to get it going.

My question is do I need to chart the 3 things to see the spikes and know what I'm doing? If so do you have any templates? How high is a spike?

Last time I just took samples to the shop.

I'm sure I sound really stupid but I want to get this right but also want a few fish for my daughter to watch rather than an empty tank for weeks and this is what my lfs said too
I even just put some of my old filter media directly in the new filter to seed a new tank. I don't use charts either. Just test daily to make sure nothing is getting dangerously high (and if it is, do a water change). And, when you see nitrates in your water (and a lack of ammonia and nitrite), you're cycled. You'll still want to add new fish slowly though to give the bacteria a chance to adapt to the new bioload.
Tank Cycling

Ok. Need help as totally confused.

I set my 15 gallon up last Saturday. I put my old tanks Gravel and filter media in tights and in the tank.

My testing kit has not arrived yet but my local aquatics shop said just put 2 platys in it to get it going.

My question is do I need to chart the 3 things to see the spikes and know what I'm doing? If so do you have any templates? How high is a spike?

Last time I just took samples to the shop.

I'm sure I sound really stupid but I want to get this right but also want a few fish for my daughter to watch rather than an empty tank for weeks and this is what my lfs said too

Hello jen...

The nitrogen cycle can't start until you have an ammonia source. That could be a commercial liquid or some hardy fish. I'm partial to putting fish into the tank. 3 to 4 small, hardy fish for every 10 gallons of water is sufficient, like female Guppies, Rasboras, Zebra Danios or Platys. The fish will supply a steady source of ammonia to start the cycle. Once you have an ammonia source, you test the water every day for traces of ammonia or nitrite. When you have a positive test, just remove and replace 25 percent of the water. Test and change the water when needed. When you have several daily tests with no traces of ammonia or nitrite, the tank is cycled. The process takes a month or so.

It's helpful to add a floating plant like Hornwort to the tank to help maintain a little more stable water conditions.

Hello jen...

The nitrogen cycle can't start until you have an ammonia source. That could be a commercial liquid or some hardy fish. I'm partial to putting fish into the tank. 3 to 4 small, hardy fish for every 10 gallons of water is sufficient, like female Guppies, Rasboras, Zebra Danios or Platys. The fish will supply a steady source of ammonia to start the cycle. Once you have an ammonia source, you test the water every day for traces of ammonia or nitrite. When you have a positive test, just remove and replace 25 percent of the water. Test and change the water when needed. When you have several daily tests with no traces of ammonia or nitrite, the tank is cycled. The process takes a month or so.

It's helpful to add a floating plant like Hornwort to the tank to help maintain a little more stable water conditions.


Thank you, that's so helpful. It's a total mine field. You have explained that perfect so I understand. I hope my test kit arrives soon. I'll be getting my platys in Friday.

My tank is sand and silk plants so would yhe plant you suggest be ok?
Thank so much everyone. You are all so
So helpful.

Be back with more questions I have no doubt. For now roll on Friday and getting some fish. The husband will be head of water changes as i actully have a phobia of fish (trying to cure hense the tank)
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