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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 12, 2005
dodge city
about two weeks ago i started cycling my 30 gallon tank about two days ago it started to grow brown algae and has not stoped yet is this normal and how long will it last what is the best way to decide when your tank is ready for fish
It sounds like diatom algae which is a normal bart of a cycle.
You need to get test kits and check your water for ammonia, nitrite and nitrates. The cycle goes in that order first amm then nitrite and then nitrate when all signs of amm and nitrite are gone then the cycle is over. Do a search on the site for cycling and you will get tons of information.
normal. be patient. what did you use to cycle? hopefully a dead shrimp or something equivalent. it took over a month for my tank to cycle. But it was worth it.
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