I have 4 danios, one male swordtail, a female platy, 1 cory cat, 1 female betta in a 20 long tank with a bio-wheel filter, a few live plants, gravel, and no ammonia or nitrite. Nitrate is like 5 or so. Dunno. Anyway, this morning i came down to see the sword (a bit new, got him 13 days ago. hm. 13. anyway...) and he was in the corner with his fins clampe, or so I thought, when i realized he didn't have his bright red black-striped sword but a stub left!
At first I was like "darn. I got fin rot" and then i saw a couple danios trot over and nip at the stub. Then they left like
"I didn't do nothing". Ergg. They kept it up. I debated whether or not with myslef to put him in a breeder trap or not. It would separate him, but then again, he always fancied the algae and plants. So I left him. I came down this evening to see his in the corner, his dorsal fin in bad shape, his sword still a stub, his gonopodium all funny and ripped, and he was lying on his belly on the gravel. I coaxed him into a cup and put him in a breeder trap. I did a quick WC, but should i knock up the temperature...anything? It's like 77 Farehnheit now.
At first I was like "darn. I got fin rot" and then i saw a couple danios trot over and nip at the stub. Then they left like