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Dean jones

Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 28, 2012
Does anyone who keep Mbuna find that when you open your curtains or blinds that your Mbuna swim straight for cover ? Even when your aquarium light is on ? I find that mine always do this ? Yet as soon as I close them,there out again ? Would like your thoughts on this subject please ;-)
Dean jones said:
Does anyone who keep Mbuna find that when you open your curtains or blinds that your Mbuna swim straight for cover ? Even when your aquarium light is on ? I find that mine always do this ? Yet as soon as I close them,there out again ? Would like your thoughts on this subject please ;-)

Doesn't happen to my crew. I have room light on first then the normal sunrise of day. My lights don't go on until much later.

But in short and to answer your question. No they don't exhibit that behavior.
Same answer here basically, I don't use the tank light until the afternoon but no hiding once It comes on.
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