Dear Moderator: Sticky/Announcement Suggestion

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 23, 2004
Abington, MA
There are some great articles in the "Articles" section (imagine that!) that explain things that Newbies (like me) need to know! Particularly the Sump Article, the Quarantine Article, and the Live Rock Article.

They answered just about every question I had on getting started from "Point Zero." (Point Zero being the decision to have a tank.)
So you are saying that we should make a thread with links to the articles sections because otherwise they are easy to miss?
I belive so. This is how it used to be setup but as you can imagen having 15 articles set as announcments in a forum caused the active messages to wind up at the bottom of the page. We felt this was cluttered and thus created the articles area.

Also moving to the Site Help/Feedback forum.
I think that a sticky/announcement post (so it's always at the top) in the "Getting Started" section that points out the articles would be terribly helpful for people who are really just getting started. Mostly because they're not even sure what questions to ask.

I think it would help a lot with the people who are at the point of "Ok, I've got to buy a big glass box and put salt-water in it, then what do I do?"

Of course, I may be one of the few people who ended up here without having any fish tanks currently. (Last Marine Tank was about 12 years ago and was FO.)
ferret said:
He may mean just one sticky by itself, that announces, HEY, GO LOOK AT THE ARTICLES :)

That is what I mean. :D

-Gib (who needs to learn to be more succinct) :D
There is a link to the articles section on every page of the site.

Look under the sponsor banners, the navigation links have a link to the article.
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