Deformed cory

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Aquarium Advice Obsessed
Jul 17, 2011
Sunny Queensland, Australia
Today I went to my LFS and bought 2 peppered cories to add to my school of 5. My daughter decided to run off just as I was picking them so I left the employee choose them for me. There where no sick or dead ones in the tank, there rarely is, that's why I go there and I wasn't worried about her picking them. So I got them home, drip acclimatized them, netted them and put them in my tank. Then I caught sight of one of the poor little guys. His head is deformed!! He seems fine. Swimming around normally and socializing with his new friends. His eyes and mouth are normal and he's fat/well feed looking. He seems normal in every way except his head shape.


I don't know what to do with him. Should I be worried. He's happy as ever in my tank. Do I just keep an eye on him and if he goes down hill step in?
If he seems healthy, leave him! I went to a marine park once and there was the cutest little penguin with a hunchback. When I asked what was wrong they said that he is perfectly healthy in every way, but his bones grew differently to his friends. If your fish behaves weird in any way, call someone who specializes in this sort of thing but otherwise he is just built differently :)

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