Desperate with the water

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 17, 2020
Dear all,

I had a 35L aquarium with gravel and I bought another one with 63L where I placed fine sand (JBL Sansibar White). Also, I bought a new filter for it, but I placed it on 35L aquarium alongside the old filter to stablish a bacterial colony.

One week later, due to a problem on the 35L, I had to move fish and plants to the 63L. Old filter also died. So on February 2nd the 63L aquarium had new (washed) sand, filter with one week use on the older aquarium (it’s a seachem tidal 35 with foam, matrix, perlon, micromec, perlon, in that order), fish, mopani log, two caves and plants (limnophila, 2 x hygrophilas, anubia, cryptocorine and Ceratophyllum demersum).

As expected, new filter was not able to handle all the waste, so a white haze appeared, barely seen from the frontal, but noticeable if you see through any the sides.

First week I had 10 NO3 (probably because I took about 20L water from older aquarium) and zero NO2. Second week I had 25 NO3 and 2 NO2. Every day since 2nd I’ve had the haze.

I’ve been changing 12L water every 2 days, using Prime on tap water, and adding Stability directly on the filters entrance. Sand is clean, I used to clean it every day during the first week because I was seeing many wastes on it, but this week has been clear by itself, so I’ve not using vacuum on it.

- I have NO2 and NO3 so I’m guessing I have some of both types of bacteria on filter but not enough as haze does not disappear.
- NO2 don’t reach 0, even when I’ve spent like 50% of a 100ml Stability. Sometimes I used also Prime directly on water to protect fish, but someone told me to not do it since it may affect cycling.
- Haze is still there, sometimes more, sometimes less.
- Ive tried to reduce fish food, and even cut it off during a day, with no changes at all.

My fish are (all rather small):
4 male guppies
1 Siamese algae eater
1 Ancistrus
6 Corydoras
5 Puntius Titteya
3 Paracheirodon Innesi
1 Danio Choprai

12 days have passed since I moved them here, I’ve had no deaths and no strange behaviours on fish. Tidal filter is at maximum, 500 L / hour.

What am I supposed to do to remove the haze? Could be useful Seachem Purigen or Seachem Clarity? If so, which of the two and will the haze be back after stop using it?

I wanted to post 2 pictures of it, but seems the forum deletes thread if i do so....

Kind Regards
You’re fish in cycling, as you know. The water will clear up when cycling finishes. Neither clarity or purigen are a good idea right now. Focus on keeping the fish safe from ammonia/nitrite and wait it out.

Prime won’t effect cycling. Using it to protect your fish is a good idea.

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