It looks golden/brown and it looks like a dusting. Another feature of it is that it peels off like a piece of carpet, i.e. it is deeper than just a dusting.
The RowaPhos might be 2 to 3 months old. I have made a lot of changes to my system in the last 4 months. I have added a refugium and aragonite sand, a
dsb in refugium and I have caulerpa in the refugium.
When I first put the Rowaphos in there within a few weeks it seemed that all my hair algae died off. Now the hair algae appears to be coming back, but just a little and I am getting these diatoms. Obviously, it is difficult to put together a cause and effect. Probably the easiest thing for me to do is put more Rowaphos in and see what happens. I haven't checked my phosphate levels, but they have been unmeasureable for several months, so I have't bothered. This should probably be on my list as well.
I use
DI water. The
DI column is new and the
RO column is about 1.5 years old. I had it checked about a month ago at our local water supply place and it was fine.
Also, the golden/brown spot is now spreading as I have two more that are about 1 inch square now starting to show up.
I haven't purchased anything to help sift through the sand, so this seems to me to be a potential problem as well.
Any advice at this point would be most appreciated.