Dieing Cichlid Fry

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 10, 2013
I posted a week or two ago about some of my fry dieing off quite rapidly, and it was, at that time, only the blue fry of the batch that were dieing off. I thought it was a genetic problem. Well all the blue fry have died off, and now, the yellow fry have started to die off as well as fry from other batches that are in the same tank. I had originally moved them in with another batch of fry, thinking there may have been something wrong with the tank they were in.
I dont want to lose all of my fry but im at a loss here, there are no visible parasites, I have put Maracyn in the tank hopeing it would help whatever may be the problem going on. However I am still losing fish. One a day at the moment.
Anyone have any ideas? I made a huge mistake putting them in with another fry batch and I dont want to lose them all.
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