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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 11, 2007
shelton, CT
hi I just bought 4 clown loaches....I really wanted kuhlis but can't seem to find them anywhere. anyway I specifically asked for something that wouldn't get too big....maybe 4 inches tops. So after I get them home....they are too cute... anyway, I looked them up and found out they get to 15 inches!! should I take them back? I have never taken back fish before, but I can't commit to that kind of size of fish. Any one live in CT that would like them?

Go ahead and take them back, especially if you won't be able to provide an appropriate home long term. Explain that you requested a fish that would stay under 4" and provide them with printed information on their max size. Hopefully they'll do the right thing and refund your money, worst case they should give you store credit.

In the future make sure to always research fish on your own, never trust an LFS to provide accurate information as they often have incorrect information. If you find a specific employee that demonstrates that they are knowledgable on an ongoing basis and is willing to admit that they don't know, then and only then should you think about trusting their information. Even then it's best to do research on your own as there are often differing opinions on many subjects.
75 gallons but still I don't want fish that get that big. I had a large pleco that uprooted all my plants constantly and that is one thing I don't want to happen again.
yeah I learned my lesson. now if I could only find kuhlis! I guess otos would be fine too.
yea..they need a MINIMUM of 75 gallons8-O.

Take him back, hopefully they wont be jerks :censor: and just give you your money back unless you wanna trade him.

He gets over a foot and a half...yikes! and he will uproot your plants too..annnddd they like to live in groups:olympic:.

So I'm sure you dont want more than ONE if these 1 1/2 foot fishes in your tank..let alone TWO! :D
I like the idea of a lfs taking fish back. I'm going to have to check to see if my lfs will do that. A good friend of mine has a 20gal (he is not the best at fish keeping but the fish live well - no fatalities) and a Chinese algae eater is getting big and very grumpy. We would be happy if the lfs would just give it a chance to be repurchased into a good home and not care really if they gave us cash or store credit. Having Mic (the algae eater) since he was very small and thin, he became family and just want the best for him
I had a similar thing happen to me with that pleco I had described. I mean I did enjoy watching him...he was more like a pet than just a fish. he had a nice personality actually, but the darn thing got too big.....15 inches in 15 years....and you really get attached to something that has been around that long. anyway he was too big for my 75 gallon and I wasn't about to buy a bigger tank for him so I called around nearby aquariums....and actually the one that would take him wasn't very nearby. To make a long story short, in 2004 the New Orleans aquarium took him and I even went down for a vist. He was happy as a clam in a giant tank (with the Piranahs!!). Of course in 2005 Katrina hit and that the end of that, but at least his last year was his best!!
in case anyone was wondering about what ever happened....I did call my LFS and they agreed to take the fish back. But I am having second thoughts about just bringing them back. I mean they seem to be happy right now. I know if they last a few years I am going to have trouble. But maybe I should try to find a good home for them on my own. If I just bring them back they will be all stressed out and who knows what kind of home they will end up in. At least I know I can give them a good temporary home. They have adjusted nicely to the tank...they are always moving around in the plants and in the back darker corners. I gave them some live bloodworms today. Actually all the fish (the others are all black tetras) ate them up like crazy.

maybe I will post them in the for sale/trade section. Is there a free to a good home section?? I knew I would get too attached to them. They are so cute, too bad they don't stay small.

sue & the clowns
You can happily keep them in that tank for a few years. I have 8 in a 125 gal and have had them for 4 years. They are now about 5-6". They don't grow that quickly that you will need to upgrade right away. Who knows, in 2-3 years you may want to get a bigger tank?
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