dirty hose?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 25, 2011
Every time I clean my filter, tons of flesh colored debris comes shooting from the exhaust, when I start it back up.

Is this stuff building up in the hose? Is it worth cleaning or should I just buy new hose? How do you deal with it (assuming I'm not the only person dealing with this)
The hose is dirty. Clean it. You will be amazed how much stuff is in the hose.
kenbob said:
The hose is dirty. Clean it. You will be amazed how much stuff is in the hose.

Thanks. I'm on it tomorrow. Any advice on a quick and efficient way to clean half inch hose?
Run hot water through the hose. The hot water will also make the hose pliable. Pinch and twist the hose to help losen stuff up.
kenbob said:
Run hot water through the hose. The hot water will also make the hose pliable. Pinch and twist the hose to help losen stuff up.

Sounds easy enough. Thanks a lot.
kenbob said:
Run hot water through the hose. The hot water will also make the hose pliable. Pinch and twist the hose to help losen stuff up.

Did as you said and no more gunk. Thanks!
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