Disappearing shrimp

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 5, 2016
Two days ago, I put ten small (3/4”) Amano shrimp in my 29g tank (lightly planted, barbs and tetras mostly).

Two days later, I CAN’T FIND A SINGLE SHRIMP. None of my fish are large enough to eat them whole, I don’t see any “parts” so I don’t think they died or got eaten.

Where did they go?
Two days ago, I put ten small (3/4”) Amano shrimp in my 29g tank (lightly planted, barbs and tetras mostly).

Two days later, I CAN’T FIND A SINGLE SHRIMP. None of my fish are large enough to eat them whole, I don’t see any “parts” so I don’t think they died or got eaten.

Where did they go?

I'd lay odds that the Barbs ate them. They don't need to eat them whole. :whistle: Other possibility is that they are hiding underneath something.
I bought 10 Amano shrimp and could find only 2. A week or 2 later I found all of them here and there. There is a chance they recently molted and are hiding, sometimes happens after a water change, a bunch will molt around the same time and hide for a few days. But also they could have become snack food as well.

My hopes are you find them. When they are grown adults, there would be less chance of them becoming snacks. But when they are small, young, in my case they were appx. the size of dwarf shrimp, a few a little bit larger. Still small.

What are you water parameters, are they good for Amano shrimp? And as a side note, yes they are touted as algae eating shrimp. BUT they are shrimp, not vegetarians either, scavengers, which definitely like a good meal, and meaty food included. Having a good shrimp food with minerals for molting is important. If you happen to find a few of them hiding around the tank a basic inexpensive food would be Hikari Crab Cuisine. If there are a good number, I would suggest finding a shrimp food. I like a few brands but Glasgarten Shrimp Fit is good, and they have a product called Mineral Junkie which is little mineral balls also great for snails and shrimps. There are dried leaves Indian Almond, banana, Guava, Mulberry, pelleted foods are made from these too, they love them and nettles, which they love to munch because they develop a biofilm and begin to break down provide more food.

Good wishes for getting a good combinaton of shrimp and fish.
The pH is around 7.0, ammonia and nitrites essentially zero, nitrates a bit higher (20-30ppm) because they are present in my well water.
I have four shrimp. Seems like that’s the number that survived. One is double the size of the other three.

I rarely see them, except when doing water changes or cleaning algae off the sides of the tank, that stirs them up.
Well, I hope like with mine you'll see more than you thought. At least there are some and the larger one is likely a female and probably the food stealer, survivalist. :lol:

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