discus fish compatibility problem

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 31, 2005
Cardiff United Kingdom
Hi, Can anyone tell me does a Discus fish and Servrum and Blackfish,and gorami fish go together,I am asking for a friend of mine who was told Discus and Severum and blackfish are not compatible,yet they are labeled as community fish....any comments? he also has a lot of neons please can anyone tell me if they are OK together.....
Many thanks
I think the severum would be too aggresive. I don't know what a blackfish is. Neons and discus would get along just fine.
its a black ghost knife,i wouldn't put those fish together,just set up a tank with some discus and some neon tetras and that should be good enough,neon tetras require the same water parameters and the discus will see the neons out and about and see that theres n danger or anything and be more active
I agree. The severum will be much too aggressive for a discus tank. I have not kept a BGK so I cannot comment on the temperament.
bgk's get about 14 inches and really only eat fish smaller than them but they come from different places and require differnt water requirements,like i said just stick with neone=s and maybe some chorydoras and you'll be fine.
Thanks for the advise guy's will pass on the info to my friend,he rang and asked me if I wanted the rest of his fish that would'nt go with the discus....lol
I think german blue rams would work great with the discus. But then I seem to suggest them for everything 8O

I think I would avoid the gourami as well.
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