DIY tank making

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 2, 2006
northern MI
I think I remember finding something about this when I was browsing aquariumadvice about a year or so ago, but can't seem to find it now.

I would like a relatively small set-up since I move frequently since I just graduated college and am soon going back for my teaching cert. My 2 10g tanks are marvelous, but I recently purchased a african butterlfy fish and want to give it more surface space to traverse as well as end up with a versatile, fairly easy to move tank that is large enough to allow more wiggle room as to the sizes and types of fish I can accomodate.

I'm thinking probably about 30g. 50g would probably be far too large for me. I'm unsure regarding tank measurements (greater depth vs greater length). I'm also unsure if 30g is sufficient for a decent African community tank (I'm thinking congo tetras and maybe a catfish along with the butterfly fish). I want something that could also (several years from now when the African fishes have lived long, happy lives and are no more) be used later for either a South American community or a Great Lakes natives tank.

I know I could go out and buy a new tank, but nothing beats the satisfaction of making something yourself. Besides, it's an adventure.
Unless you can get the materials for free, it is not cost effective to build a tank. I have built several, 4 of which are 48" x 12" x 12', and hold 30 gals. The glass was free, as was the material for the steel stands. The net cost was around $10.00 for 3 tubes of silicone. However, I could not have purchased the glass to build the tanks for the cost of new tanks with rims. Used is even cheaper, of course. I understand the desire to build your own, but it is seldom cost effective.
As BillD said, Cost effective no.

I would consider it if I wanted a custom size.

If you would be happy with a standard sized aquarium then used is the best deal out there. And I might add 29gallon tanks can be had for free or practicly free sometimes.

custom, there are custom tank builders in canada and the US, if you want a custom you might want to look these guys up and see how much they are charging before putting your plans together for building your own tank. your time is worth money, how much is up to the individual (depending on your income and or the type of work you do the time put into such a project will have to be for fun otherwise this could be very costly)

now that thats over. the plans here used to point to
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