do i have too many fish?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 31, 2011
washington, new jersey
Ok I have a planted 29 gallon tank and this is the list I have 1 common cheap goldfish 1 blue catfish 1 pictus catfish 5 neon tetras 2 bala sharks 2 plecos 1beta 1 albino cory 2 pepper corys 2blue guarami 1 red guarami 1 mollie (other 3 died) 10 ghost shrimp and some kind of small little crab but only one of them am I over crowded or am I ok they all eat and swim fine
Um yeah, your over crowded. That goldfish needs a 29gal itself. The little crab you are referring to is probably a fiddler crab which actually isn't completely aquatic. It needs land too. Your gourami is going to start getting larger.
Its not that you have too many fish, its just that the neons, cories, molly, and ghost shrimp are the only fish that a 29g is big enough for. Maybe the gouramis, but not 3... 2 tops. the rest should be rehomed asap... they just get far too large for that tank
The tank will be good if you duduct the balas because they can get HUGE! the pictus because they need a good 55gal, 1 of the plecos, all of the gouramis except for 1, the crab and the gold fish then your tank will be good. The blue catfish also needs to go it will get massive!
The 125 would be better, but the balas would still get too big IMO... the blue cat will get far too large for any home aquarium and most small ponds. I saw one at a pay lake recently that weighed right at 100lbs.

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