Do I need a chiller?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 20, 2011
Ok so it gets super hot where I live during the summer I have a 20 gallon tank and it's a fresh water tank I keep the tank at 79 degrees for my fish. So I was wondering if I need a chiller and if I do. WHere can I buy one for cheap? because the cheapest I've seen is still $149.00 :eek: which is just a wee bit out of my price range since I bought my tank and everything in it for under $100(y) so I can't really spend that much for one peice of equipment. :nono:
Where is the tank located? I doubt you need a chiller unless you keep your house over 82 or so, and/or the tank is next to a window that gets a lot of sun.
its located away from the window but sometimes our house gets really hot into the mid 80s when we go on trips.
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