Do meds contaminate filter foam?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 23, 2004
British Columbia, Canada
I took one of the AquaClear foams out of my 10gal filter and put it in another tank to use as seeding for a hospital tank. Now once the hospital tank is shut down and the fish is (hopefully) returned to his community tank, should I throw out that foam? I would think it may be contaminated by the meds (Jungle Parasite Clear) and shouldn't be used, but I thought I'd double check. Thanks.
I wouldn't throw it away. I would soak it in dechlorinated water....& with the carbon & the filter working the meds will leave.
Ok, thanks. I was worried about putting the foam back in my other tank and contaminating those fish, but I'll make sure to run a carbon for a while to clear out the meds. (I was just going to tear down the hospital tank and wash everything but I'll use carbon first.)
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