do u support man made artificial cichlid or hybrids?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 7, 2012
These days in the aquarist hobby I hav seen sereveral times some cichlids called blood parrot, flowerhorn. These r not exist in nature.all r just man made for their looks and demand. Even some kind of discus & peacock cichlids r hybrid by man. LFS r very much appeciate this kind of hybrid as it gives a good market though they know that these hybrid has so many bad side. We always go for looks while we shuld go for a healthy there no face of humanity? I totally against this hybrid theory of cichlids. what u say guys?
I will never own a hybrid fish or any fish that has been artificially "tattooed". It just not right. Man always has to alter things and always messes things up. I personally find Bloodparrots and Flowerhorns to be ugly looking anyway. I've never seen a hybrid Discus or Peacock, but I'm sure they'll stand out from the rest.
I dont think that hybrids are any worse than keeping normal fish in a aquarium, a aquarium is not natural anyway. Many different cichlids will breed and produce hybrids in a aquarium setting, im not sure if it happens in the wild but it is possible. As long as they are well taken care of I do not see anything wrong with it.
I love my blood parrots and can't imagine life without them. I have 3, my husband has 3.

I've never given a second thought to hybrids but I do draw the line at dyed fish. You won't find them in my home.
No doubt its everyone's personal choice. And even I like BP's too. But never buy as I dnt like this hybrid. U hav BP's for long time u must watch the probs bout feeding with floating type pellets due to their physical structure. This hurts
I've lived with a variety of rescue dogs for the last 15-20 years and so I'm used to assessing the needs of individual pets. Fish species that require different handling compared to other species are no big deal to me. :)
I believe making hybrids in the fish world is no different from say dogs or cats being manipulated.
The problem i have is when that type of genetic engineering creates an animal that in some way is at a disadvantage. Like the blood parrot and its tiny mouth or teacup Chihuahua thats afraid of its own shadow or a hairless cat.....
I just dont think its fair to the animals. JMO
@lynda, surely u do care for every individual pets and we all do the same.Bt these species suffers when kept in community tank Though some ppl stick on one species in one tank. Bt if kept in community they r almost ignored. Life finds way. Bt I can't support the fact, coz to me its not justified with these cichlids.
That's what I love about opinions. We're all allowed to have them and, to us, our opinion is always allowed to be right. :cool:

I can honestly say though, that my parrots thrive in a community tank. Just wanted to share that, in case you'd read somewhere that they do poorly.
Im sure most people recognize the special needs of these animals and accordingly provide the special needs they require.
I have no doubt that you LindaB provide everything your bp's need to thrive.
I just think that its hard enough setting most people on the right track as far as optimal care for these "special needs" animals let alone a hardy purebred specimen.
I know of people whos bp's didnt do well in a community setting and had to be rehomed.
I dont doubt that yours do exceptionally well though and im glad. Some people dont want to offer the extra time needed for some of these species and whats worse is they dont realize that until after a purchase because they failed to do any research in the first place.
Oh research is definitely key. I wish more people did it prior to that very first purchase. Luckily, all my tanks are peaceful communities, so I didn't have to worry about anything aggressive taking out my BPs. ;)
Some ppl who r just new to this hobby never do a research before they purchase. Or in other way max of us just buy a tank and add gravel and some fish for pleasure to our eye being irresponsible of some fact. The environment, food, filtration, size, medicines,compatiability, special care and treatments. Very few ppl research thoroughly bout all these when this special species needs attaintion
Cichlid Kid said:
I know of people whos bp's didnt do well in a community setting and had to be rehomed.
I dont doubt that yours do exceptionally well though and im glad. Some people dont want to offer the extra time needed for some of these species and whats worse is they dont realize that until after a purchase because they failed to do any research in the first place.

I know of alot of different cichlids that had to be returned because they did not do well in a community setting not just blood parrots, a flowerhorn is a hybrid and they function very well in a aquarium besides its aggression, I see blood parrots in the LFS , they look weird to me but they seem to get around fine in a aquarium. I dont own any hybrids and I dont really support or look down on them but I think alot worse things happen in the fish trade and this hobby than making hybrids.
It would also be helpful if the store employees could actually offer some guidance to folks just starting out. If those people don't find forums like this, they're doomed. Pretty sad.
Once in a while i will overhear someone at a store giving good sound advice but for the most part they're just trying to make a sale.
I for one would luv too work @ a lfs but im not so sure the management would like my work ethics.
LyndaB said:
It would also be helpful if the store employees could actually offer some guidance to folks just starting out. If those people don't find forums like this, they're doomed. Pretty sad.

It would really help, I did not know anything when I started out, I was sold a 37 gal tank , 2 small oscars and 2 Jack Dempseys, I was told that they would be fine. You could imagine how that turned out, no one ever told me about cycling at the LFS and they knew it was my first tank. The LFS are in it for profit, the reality is they cant stay open if they dont make profits, they cant depend on the few hobbyist out there. All the small "nemo and mermaid" tanks out there and yes Blood Parrots equal money for them and thats what it boils down to.
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