Does activated carbon take nutrients away from my plants?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 15, 2004
I have an Eclipse system for my 29 gal. It uses filter with avtivated carbon in it. Info from Marinland says: "BLACK DIAMOND®
Premium Activated Carbon eliminates discoloration, odors, and impurities..."

what does "impurities" mean?

Does it absorb fertilizers like "flourish"?
There's debate on this. The majority feels that carbon can in fact absorb certain trace nutrients the plants will need...but it's not going to absorb macros like nitrate, phosphate, potassium.

However, that said, regular water changes, combined with not overstocking your tank eliminates any need for constant use of carbon in a FW tank. Carbon mainly removes odors and discolorations, as well as left over medications.

Some people think that cheap carbon, once used up, will actually leech phosphates back into your water column. However I have yet to see concrete proof of this, and modern carbon is probably better quality than what they had back in the 60's-70's.

Your 29gallon is not overstocked, and if you're keepign up on weekly water changes, it should have nothing more than a damp, earthy scent. If it stinks like fish, you need a big water change and are probably over-feeding (leftover fish meal in the food, decaying=stench of rotting fish).

Also, Carbon is only active for 5-7 days, so it must be constantly replaced if you do want to use it 24/7.

My advice, ditch it...its just an un-necessary expense.
I would be interested in the leaching of phosphates from "unactivated" or old carbon. My tetra whisper has carbon build into the pads, but I would shudder at the thought of changing the pad once a week!
Malkore is right on.

That being said, I use an emporer 400 in my 72 gal planted and the carts have carbon in them and I haven't had a problem growing plants appropriate to my lighting level.

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