Does my platy have ick/itch?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 5, 2011
I have a sunburst hi-fin platy and i think he has ick. I am not sure if he does, because im a new fish carer.

I am really trying to take a picture of him but i cannot because he moves so fast and moves so much.

Tank conditions:
-1 male platy
-2 ghost shrimps
-2 very young java fern
-3 fake short plants
-water parameters: ph=7.2, ammonia&nitrite=0, nitrate=1.2 (chemical test kits used ~not strips test)
-80f heated

Platy condition:
-slim (not fat or skinny)
- i only saw him like play with a rock i provided in there, he attacked it, summersaulted back, then attacked again (repeated 3 times) maybe he's playing or scratching himself? He only did this once and i think he got itch abouut 3 days ago.
-I got him for a week now
-fed him flakes 2 times a day

About the itch (of what i think it is):
-whenever he goes through the light, i see some of his scales, (near his anal fin) shine white/blue-ish buut more white
-i seen this and he had have it for 3 days (i have never read how fast the itch will kill fish because i've never find how fast itch kills fish)
-he does not scratch himself on anything, but i am not sure because i am a new pet taker of fish
-whenever the lights in the tank goes off, and my room light goes on, i dont see the white scales anymore.

SO my questions according to the info are:
*Does my fish have ick? Or is it when he goes through the light, and the scales by his anal fin shines white, is this just his natural color?
*HOw long until ick kills a fish?

Thank you so much :D
By the description you just gave, I would say no... He does not have ich. Ich would be seen as little grains of salt all over the body of the fish. It seems like that's just his natural color under light.
thank you very much :D
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