Don't Touch My Food

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 4, 2004
I just thought it this was pretty funny. I have two small yellow labs that can't quite eat a half pea whole. They swam around the tank for a good 20 minutes with their peas. I couldn't help but snap a couple pics.

Here's my Pleco in my 55 gal tank. He actually pulled the piece of pea ontop of him. He was laying on his back at the bottom of the tank, pea still stuck to him. The Serpae tetra finally swopped down and took it from him, but he eventually got it back. The two pics show his progress as he moved the pea to the back of the tank to munch by himself. :D

He pushed that pea to the back corner of the tank where he ate in peace. :) I have to feed peas more often. :D That was the most entertainment I received all day. Ok, I was bored today and cleaned.
Funny, reminds me of how my angel will sometimes suck in a bunch of flakes at once and carry them around for a while
Ha! My senagal bichir was doing that. (thats how I found out the sinking tablets are too big. :wink: )
why aren't the clickable thumbnails working? I see a tiny thumbnail of the pic and the url, but i can't click on it... : :?
AshleyNicole said:
why aren't the clickable thumbnails working? I see a tiny thumbnail of the pic and the url, but i can't click on it... : :?

Ghost in the machine! :lol:

For some reason, certain page styles aren't displaying some uploaded pictures. Go to your profile on the home page and change your style preference to something other than "fisubice". I know...wierd.
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