Drifting cichlid?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 11, 2016
The sick fish is an Apistogramma Cacatuoides. He is quite young. Recently he has started swimming on his side, like he was leaning over. this has been going for a few days and has gotten worse today. he now lies on the bottom or very close to it, although he is still lively and is capable of swimming normally when he wants to- like seeing the food container pass the tank. Usually he isnt active at all though.
I thought it may be swim bladder but he can swim normally + he wont eat peas.

Note that i did upgrade from an internal filter to a canister filter. The canister is a bit oversized for the tank and i thought the increased flow was tiring him out. Is this the case or has anyone heard of this happening??? I did keep the old filter in the tank so the canister would cycle.

The tank is 3ft long, 120l. Thin layer of gravel. Large piece of driftwood with java fern all over it. I have only peaceful fish like guppies, tetras, and corydoras. Waterchange every week, 15-25l, use a gravel cleaner everytime.

Anyone know what i can do to help him?
Hi welcome,

I've never really had troubles with flow causing issues (even with canisters). I think small fish do appreciate dead spots for resting perhaps. Could you try putting in a large breeder box or anything to see if that helps?
I put a pot in the tank but he isnt too keen on it. He is a lot worse now, lying on the gravel breathing heavily. I didnt think he would make it through the night but hes still putting up a fight.
I think it may be swim bladder. Is it worth doing a salt bath?

You could try Epsom salts to help flush anything out but not sounding good. Did you check ammonia and ph? Pretty much out of ideas.
Did the salt bath yesterday, but he didnt make it through the night.
Thanks for your help.

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