driftwood question!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 9, 2012
just curious. I recently bought a driftwood with a tile screwed onto the bottom of it to keep it from floating. what I'm wondering about is would the screw end up rusting at some point and be harmful to my fish? especially the shrimps that i will be getting soon?

if so is how do I keep my driftwood from floating? do i just tie a rock onto it or is there another way? :)
if the screw is stainless steel then it would be fine it wont rust or anything, maybe u could ask them from where u got it, or u could just use rocks, stones to hold it down untill it gets water logged and will stay down on its own.
if the screw is stainless steel then it would be fine it wont rust or anything, maybe u could ask them from where u got it, or u could just use rocks, stones to hold it down untill it gets water logged and will stay down on its own.

do you know how long it will take for it to get water logged?
i was told at my LFS where i got it that it is okay for my shrimps but i wasn't sure if the guy was just trying to sell me his stuff haha.
if its from ur lfs im sure it would be safe and is proberly a stainless steel screw, should take a couple of weeks for it to get logged, iv soaked all my bogwood first for while an put hot water over it to kill anything off that maybe on it,
oh okay. well i'll just take their word for it haha. i'll probably take off the screw and the tile once i get my moss and attach it to the driftwood :)
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